

- No spamming
- No racism, bullying or other rude behavior towards others
- No swearing or attempts to bypass any chat filter
- No NSFW content
- No advertising unless a permission has been given
- No impersonating others

You are responsible for everything that happens under your account.

On Discord:

- Avoid unnecessary pings
- Avoid sending unnecessary messages on unrelated channels
- No loud noises in voice chat
- Music only on the music channel
- Don't queue songs you are not going to listen to
- No inappropriate user names, status messages or profile pictures
- Don't spread misinformation/copypasta
- Keep all drama somewhere else

You must follow Discord's Terms of Service.

On the server:

- Don't use hacks, cheats or other modifications that can give you unfair advantages
- Don't build things that can cause harm to the server (lag machines etc.)
- Don't steal or grief (except in factions)
- Almost or fully invisible skins and skins with large custom geometry parts are not allowed
- Exploits must be reported to staff and not abused

These rules are subject to change at any time without warning. Breaking the rules will lead to punishments.